Born on December 2, 1957 in Novosibirsk.
From the age of 15 he studied at the Sverdlovsk Art School. Graduate of the Leningrad Art College named after V. A. Serov (teacher — M. A. Goldin)
Sergey Menshikov's creative interests are diverse: the artist illustrates books, is engaged in icon painting, monumental painting, writes still lifes, creates abstract graphic compositions, etc. For his works, the master uses such techniques as rolling out printing ink with a rubber shaft, oil painting, etc.
In 2017, Menshikov took part in painting four entrances of a residential complex in the village of Sadovy (Novosibirsk district) based on the fairy-tale works of Pavel Bazhov.
The works are kept in the Novosibirsk State Art Museum, the Artetage Museum of Modern Art (Vladivostok), the Iskitim Historical and Art Museum, the Zelenograd Art Gallery, etc., as well as in the collections of legal entities and individuals in Russia, Germany, Belgium, the USA, France, Switzerland, Indonesia.